Building a new home is exciting. For a buyer to use a VA home loan on new construction, the builder must have a VA builder ID. Often, buyers and the builder find out late in the process this is required. But, do not worry. Although VA builder approval is required, it is not a daunting task. So, this article fully explains how to search builders and how to get builder approval. Plus, we offer in-house construction loans combined with a permanent VA loan up to 100% of the price or value in NC, SC, VA, and MD.
Using VA construction to perm financing helps many Veterans looking to build their dream home. Whether someone is looking to buy land or already owns land, VA construction to perm financing has so many benefits. Furthermore, a builder who uses our construction products will gain more approved clients.
VA Construction Advantage for Builders
Plus, our construction loan will provide up to 100% of the construction cost. What’s the benefit? When the house is finished, the builder receives the rest of their funds. If you are a builder who caters to the military market, you need to talk to us!
VA Builder Lookup
In order to look up a builder on the VA approved builder list, just follow these simple steps. It is best to enter just the first part of the builder name. Longer names may not match up exactly. Instead of Smith Construction Enterprises Inc, it would be best to try Smith. Maybe Smith Construction. Then look at the builders that show up.
- Visit VA builder ID lookup site
- Enter builder name
- At least enter the builder state (city is optional)
- Click “submit”
If you find the builder, make sure of a couple items. First, make sure that the builder name and address match your builder. Next make sure the builder shows as “active”. So if everything matches, you have a VA approved builder!
How to Become a VA Approved Builder
Are you a residential home builder and not on the VA approved builder list? Whether the home is recently completed, under construction, or proposed construction, it is required when there is a VA loan involved. Basically if the home is less than one year old and completed except for customer preference items, VA requires builder approval.
There are two main questions we often hear from builders. The first question is “Are builders required to have a builder ID number to sell to Veterans?”. The more popular question from builders is, “How do I get the forms and request my VA builder ID?”. Fortunately, the process is pretty easy. Plus, we can help!
VA Builder Approval Process
In order to obtain a VA builder ID, a builder needs to contact VA at 877-827-3702. Their hours are 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
- Ask to be connected to the appropriate VA regional loan center for your state
- Ask for the correct email address to submit the required builder forms
- Verify any other documentation that may be required
- Ask for the current turnaround for your state
To make it easier for builders, use our VA Builder ID packet below.
Call VA 877-827-3702 M-F 9 am – 4 pm EST
to get the email for sending your VA builder id paperwork
- Email ALL forms (even ones that do not require signatures)
- Keep a copy of the email you send to VA for follow up purposes
- Send your builder license
Click Here for the Package
VA Builder Forms Instructions
In order to get on the VA approved builder list, there are 3 forms the builder must sign. Additionally, there are two more forms to read and send. These two do not require signatures. By clicking on the link, it will open our VA builder ID packet for you to use. Here’s what is included in our builder packet…
- Our instructions cover sheet
- VA Affirmative Marketing Certification – Complete, sign, and date
- Advertising Guidelines for Fair Housing – Do not sign, but must send
- Equal Employment Opportunity Certification – Complete, sign, date
- Equal Opportunity Clause – Do not sign, but must send
- Builder Information and Certifications – Must put on builder’s letterhead, complete, sign, and date
Since builder approval is so simple and VA is a popular mortgage, why not do this? Why wait until you have a VA buyer when you can get the ID now for free?
Build More Homes as a VA Approved Builder!
Still not seeing the reason to get your VA builder ID? Keep in mind that by completing this free process, you are making your homes available to millions of Veterans. VA home loans provide a no money down product and your new homes have now increased the chances of being sold. So on top of having no down payment, the rate and payments are phenomenal!
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