BAH is an important part of the military’s pay and will vary throughout the country. For 2017, BAH rates increased by 2.4% compared to 2016. BAH is meant to help military personnel offset housing expenses. Besides geographic location, influences of BAH include a marine’s rank and if there are dependents or not. Also a big advantage of BAH is that it is nontaxable. Therefore it is not reported on a tax return. If you are relocating to Camp Lejeune, below are your Camp Lejeune BAH rates for 2017.
Camp Lejeune VA Loans
Obviously because of the marine corps base, VA home loans are the most often used mortgages. In addition to active service members, there are a lot of military Veterans here as well. So area Realtors and sellers must be informed of VA loans and be accommodating to military buyers. This includes allowance for seller paid costs and concessions, plus making sure the home is in great condition. Camp Lejeune BAH plays a key role in qualifying for a VA loan. Not only is the income used, but we are able to gross up this nontaxable income source. This feature helps service members qualify better for a house payment. So BAH and VA loans are key to the lives of a military family in the Camp Lejeune and Jacksonville market.
2017 Camp Lejeune BAH Rates
Rank | BAH without Dependents | BAH with Dependents |
E-1 | $927 | $1098 |
E-2 | $927 | $1098 |
E-3 | $927 | $1098 |
E-4 | $927 | $1098 |
E-5 | $1082 | $1113 |
E-6 | $1083 | $1179 |
E-7 | $1098 | $1269 |
E-8 | $1128 | $1368 |
E-9 | $1146 | $1512 |
W-1 | $1092 | $1182 |
W-2 | $1125 | $1308 |
W-3 | $1149 | $1431 |
W-4 | $1200 | $1545 |
W-5 | $1299 | $1677 |
O-1E | $1113 | $1287 |
O-2E | $1140 | $1413 |
O-3E | $1176 | $1563 |
O-1 | $1080 | $1122 |
O-2 | $1107 | $1176 |
O-3 | $1155 | $1425 |
O-4 | $1296 | $1728 |
O-5 | $1458 | $1944 |
O-6 | $1473 | $1962 |
O-7 | $1488 | $1983 |
Secret to Fast VA Loan Approval Up-Front
- Signed and dated Statement of Service Letter (Ask us if we need it though)
- DD214 (if no longer in the military)
- Current LES
- Most recent W2 and Tax Return
- Most recent bank statement (all pages of actual monthly statement)
- Photo identification
- Military transfer orders – if transferring to a new base
We will request your COE, status report, complete your application, and discuss your mortgage options. Our goal is to have educated, confident, and approved buyers!
[av_button_big label=’Contact Team Move for your VA Purchase’ description_pos=’below’ link=’manually,’ link_target=’_blank’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ custom_font=’#ffffff’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ color_hover=’theme-color-subtle’ custom_bg_hover=’#444444′][/av_button_big]
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